NJ CCW Qualification Course
4 hr Concealed Carry Permit Class
Service Description
4 hour course covers such areas as safe gun handling, identifying and unloading different firearms and different types of ammunition as well as cleaning and storage of firearms. You will be required to demonstrate safe firearms handling as well as handgun proficiency. You will be required to shoot a 50 round course of fire from a holster, passing with a score of 80% or higher, which is 40 plus rounds in the target. FOR THE NJ CCW: *These classes meet all of the NJ requirements to obtain your CCW for the qualification portion of the permit application. ->You will need to demonstrate safe gun handling by safely drawing and returning the handgun to the holster. ->You must perform the following strings of fire from each of the following distances: 3 yards, 5 yards, 7 yards, 10 yards, and 15 yards. ->In preparation for the class, please go to the NJSP.org website. Click on firearms info, and click on downloadable forms. Review the Use of Force Policy (bring that with you to the class). ->Download the PowerPoint presentation and watch/review. ->Fill out the top of the S.P.182 form online, print it out, and bring that with you. The police like it filled it out using the computer rather than hand-printed for legibility. You will need to bring on day of class: 100 rds ammo Handgun and holster 2 or more mags. The more mags, the quicker the process Eye and ear protection A chair.