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Paracord Uses!


Uses For Paracord Bracelets:

Tarp ridge lines

Securing your gear

An extra pair of boot laces

When you are deep woods camping, use it to hang your food in a tree and out of reach of bears

Use it as a tie down for your truck or vehicle

Fixing broken equipment such as backpacks or gear bags

Use it with a handmade fire bow

550 cord is often used by fishermen for long line fishing

Individual strands can be used as fishing line

String for a Bow and arrow

Tying Shelter

Woven into a fishing net or toss net for fishing

Making snares for animals

A clothes line to hang your gear on to dry and air out

Key chain lanyard

Anchor line for your boat

Replacing drawstrings in yr packs and bags

Animal restraint, aka a dog leash

Use as a tourniquet

Use inner strands to mend fabric

Make a splint for a broken limb

Hang game for drying

Make a perimeter trip line for warning

Make or hold a hammock


Making rope ladders

Just general attachment needs

Take it apart and floss your teeth with the smaller strands

Sling for gear or weapons

Brighter colored paracord acts as a marker to mark trails

On knives it can help you find it if it was thrown but didn't stick in to the intended target

Prisoner restraints

Belt or suspenders

Rig a pulley system

Tie yrself to your buddy

Make a pack by first making a netting, then a drawstring

Lash logs for a raft

Tie snow shoes

Make a sling for arm injury

Fish stringer

Lash to make stretcher

Sew up a wound using internal strands

Makeshift weapon sling

Handle wrapping, for any tool or knife

Tie a chemlight to a piece and you can use it as a signaling device by swinging it in a circle

Make a hatchet holster

Zipper pull

Making a spear by tying knife to stick

Shredding the fibers w/ a knife, used as tinder

Shoelaces (or lace yr boots ahead of time w/ it, and you will always have extra!

Improvise a seat by lashing a long log horizontally to 2 trees

Perimeter trip wires (attach to tin cans or anything to make noise) Watch strap

Carry gear on your back when you don’t have a rucksack A platypus hose cleaner(by tying granny knots in it and pulling it through. Tie house keys to forgetful children.

A standby strop…. for polishing a razor A skipping rope for kids (needs a heavy knot in middle) Hang mesh frames for propagating plants in greenhouse. Rudimentary swing for the kids as and when they become bored.

Tie on to a sled so you can drag it during the heavy snow. Hang a light over the designated latrine for night times Replace a snapped pull string on older lights.

Use as strap wrench or Spanish windlass

Improvised bore snake for cleaning a firearm

Pull cord for chain saw Pull cord for boat engine Pull cord for lawn mower/ weed eater

To wrap a mini maglite handle for grip

For lowering equipment/packs down cliff edges. Hanging a kill or your rucksack out of reach of animals at night Mooring your boat to a dock

teaching yourself to tie lifesaving knots use it to collect water ( tie a knot and place inside a plastic bottle, hang from a rock or damp surface area and the water will collect on the cord and drip into the bottle)

Help climb a tree, place around the tree to add more grip Use it to make improvised snow shoes make a sling for killing small animals

create trot lines for fishing create a gill net for fishing

lash together multiple pieces for a stronger cord

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